Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Is your priest protesting the Missal changes?

I was recently alerted to this website, entitled "What if We Just Said Wait?", where priests, laypersons and religious can go online and sign a petition protesting the new language of the revised English translation of the Missal that will be promulgated soon. It is fun because you can go onto this site and scroll through the list of 9000+ names and see who from your diocese is protesting the new language, and whether they are religious, lay, or a priest (I think my diocese had 14 or so people, half religious and one priest). If you have some minutes to spare, I suggest scrolling through it; you might recognize a priest or religious from your diocese!

It is amusing to me that the same crowd that insisted on an immediate and radical implementation of (perceived) Conciliar reforms is now arguing for a slow and moderated lean towards tradition using the same arguments that opponents of the reforms of the 60's once made. For example:

"We are very concerned about the proposed new translations of the Roman Missal. We believe that simply imposing them on our people -- even after a program of preparation -- will have an adverse effect on their prayer and cause serious division in our communities."

This is what conservatives in the 1960's argued with regards to the rupture with tradition, and rightfully so, I think. But the radicals did not care back then - it was a top-down, authoritarian implementation of something never envisioned by the Council Fathers. But now that Pope Benedict is leading the Church back to where it needs to be, the progressives are crying for moderation and warning that "imposing" things on people can cause division and disruption.


  1. Excellent analysis -- spot on about these folks seemingly having a change of heart about how quickly these changes should take place.

  2. I was wrong - I just counted not 1 but 12 priests from my Diocese who signed this thing, as well as a couple of people who work in the Diocesan offices.

  3. Well after a long and dull count, I chalk up 172 Britons on the list, with 5 from my diocese of St Andrews and Edinburgh. Four were lay people and the other one was an anonymous priest.
    I've not heard anyone dicuss it, apart from about a year ago when a relative was told my a priest to wait until the new missal came out before giving one to her godson.

  4. "Pope Benedict is leading the Church back to where it needs to be?"

    I wonder, it seems to me that while the Pope may throw out a traditional bone or two, the Pope's dedication to ecumenism dictates his true direction.

    Pope Benedict will not take the Church anywhere the Jews and Protestants cannot go!

    Devotion to Our Lady comes immediately to mind.

  5. I find the title especially humorous, "What If We Just Said Wait?" can't you just feel the liberal victimization? My childhood Priest signed, however when he was in a position to slow changes down, he not only didn't, he made changes which had been forbidden, such as inclusive language, invalid matter for communion, sermon's on why the "institutional church" is wrong and women should be priests.

  6. Steve-

    It is true that BXVI probably could be doing a lot more, but he is beginning us on a path that is, in general, better than the one we were on under JPII or Paul VI.

    I'm not sure what you mean by the comment about Marian devotion - can you elaborate?

  7. I wouldn't know since I attend an FSSP parish

  8. "I'm not sure what you mean by the comment about Marian devotion - can you elaborate?"

    A Pope interested in tradition and familiar with Fatima, would waste no time in granting God's wish of establishing devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary throughout the world.

    A Pope interested in following the footsteps of JPII's radical ecumenism will only give Our Lady the occasional lip service that ensures God's wish remains outrageously unfulfilled.

  9. Steve-

    That is a big problem, I agree. And why no consecration to Russia yet? Are they hoping people will forget about it?

    JPII did demonstrate Marian devotion, but a lot of his references to Mary in his encyclicals were more geared towards holding her up as a model to be imitated rather than as an intercessor to be petitioned.

  10. I think JPII used Marian and Pro-Life rhetoric as a smoke screen while he dismantled the traditional Catholic Faith in the minds of most.

  11. Steve-

    I wouldn't go that you seriously doubt that JPII was Pro-Life or Marian oriented?
