Wednesday, April 27, 2011

God bless you, Athanasius

It is with great sadness that I heard of the departure of Ryan Grant, a.k.a, Athanasius, from the blogosphere. Besides being a knowledgeable and charitable man of tremendous erudition, his blog, Athanasius Contra Mundum, was also the first Catholic blog I ever started following and was in fact my inspiration to start up this blog in 2007. Ryan explains his reasons for taking down his blog here. Please pray for him; I cannot begin to express how I feel about this loss - when I compare my blog to his, mine looks so juvenile that I feel ashamed to be counted in his illustrious company.

Well, this encomium as gone on long enough; Ryan would probably slap me if he were here. Thanks Athanasius for years of great work dedicated to the triumph of Tradition. Let us all raise a pipe to you this evening in mourning even as we say a prayer for you in hope.

See also: Athanasius Contra Mundum to Close Up Shop


  1. Please, I wanted to read the reasons alleged by Athanasius to close his blog, but there are aren't on the web anymore. ¿Do you know where I can find them?

  2. You know, I don't know - they were posted on his blog before he deleted it. He cited the fact that he had no time between work and family, and I think he had some other reasons that he didn't want to go into. That's all I could tell you about it. Sorry.

  3. He was probably sent a death threat. Wouldn't be the first time that somebody trying to defend the truth has been threatened...the deeper you get into the circles of those staunchly defending truth, the more you learn...

    Like the Kennedy speech said, "it's dissenters are silenced."

  4. He was probably sent a death threat. Wouldn't be the first time that somebody trying to defend the truth has been threatened...the deeper you get into the circles of those staunchly defending truth, the more you learn...

    Like the Kennedy speech said, "it's dissenters are silenced."

  5. I know Ryan personally. There was no death threat.

  6. It is a loss that he did not leave the blog up.

    As you might have noticed, I sometimes start at a blog's beginning and read them post after post til current...

