Friday, May 06, 2011

Vacation in Sarasota

Tonight I am leaving with my family for along anticipated vacation to Sarasota, Florida to stay with some family. My wife has been begging to go somewhere warm for years; instead, I keep dragging her up to places like Petoskey and Paradise in northern Michigan! We'll be in Sarasota for about two weeks and will be attending Christ the King F.S.S.P. Parish for daily and Sunday Mass. If you attend Christ the King and read this blog, come up and introduce yourself to us - it would be nice to meet some good Catholic folks while we're down there. We will stick out like a sore thumb since our family is 67% red head.

I am taking my laptop and may blog while I'm down there, but don't be surprised if I don't.


  1. Haha, fun that you mentioned the redhead thing because I kinda recoiled (in a surprised, not bad, way) when the picture loaded. Not often you see that! :D
