Friday, December 12, 2014

U.S. Catholic Survey on Pope Francis

The print and online publication U.S. Catholic is asking its readers to chime in on their opinion of Pope Francis and his influence on the contemporary Church.

Now is your chance to cut through the spin of the pundits and offer your honest assessment of our current Holy Father. Please participate in this survey and share it liberally. Since the Franciscan pontificate began, too often the discussion has been dominated by media-generated talking points rather than the view of practicing Catholics.

Shout out to Tony Schiavo of Arx Publishing for notifying me of this.

UPDATE: It appears the survey is now closed. Results are expected to be posted in March, 2015 around the two year anniversary of Francis' pontificate.


  1. Done. Thanks for pointing it out. Please let us know when they publish the results.

  2. Well, I took the survey. I was brutally honest about my thoughts and feelings on the matter. I hope I didn't commit a sin in doing so.

  3. My answers to the survey:

  4. Dear Brother Boniface.About the Pope's performance so far, F is the lowest grade possible, right?

  5. Depends...some schools use an E or a U instead of an F. If you are on a points system, F is only like a 50-54%, so if you are using points a flat 0 would be lower.
