Sunday, September 23, 2007


Well, the day has finally come! This Sunday morning at Mass, my pastor announced that our parish was going to be offering the Traditional Latin Mass. Hallelujah! It is going to be offered every Sunday so I will never need to go to a Novus Ordo Mass again (in terms on fulfilling my Sunday obligation, at least). Many of you go to the TLM every week, but the nearest TLM is 1.5 hours away from me and with little kids, it is near to impossible to get to it. The TLM at my parish is a tremendous blessing for myself, our parish, our diocese and the Church at large. The TLM is not going to be offered just yet because the preparations are not ready, but it will be soon. There were many other good things announced regarding Church design and liturgical architecture, but I will not go into it for the sake of preserving my anonymity (if I have any left!)


  1. I would also like to see a priest or two ...... or more.... start doing the NO correctly. That would also be a blessing.

  2. Doing the NO correctly would be a huge blessing; I think many priests who are choosing to use Summorum Pontificum are doing so in the hopes that the reverence of the TLM will "spill over" into more dignified celebrations of the NO.
