Saturday, January 22, 2011

Boniface & Anselm

Me (left) and Anselm (right)

This week witnessed a very rare event: Anslem and I actually met in person for the first time in two years. As you all know, our co-blogger in absentia has been studying theology at the International Theological Institute in Tramau, Austria for the past three years and has just recently received his Master's Degree in theology, the fruit of which was his excellent little booklet on St. Thomas' doctrine of the atonement (here). No sooner did he receive his Masters than he signed up for a licentiate program and will be back in Austria for God knows how long.

Last Tuesday, the Feast of the Chair of St. Peter, we took advantage of the brief time Anselm and his family were in the states to go visit him for dinner (his wife prepared a wonderful dish for the occasion called "ex cathedra chicken", which was essentially chicken marinated in beer and prepared in an upright, sitting position; hence the name; the colloquial name for it is "beer-butt chicken"). We were able to chat for awhile, enjoy each other's families (Anselm is my son's godfather), and then, to make ourselves feel very self-important, present each other with autographed copies of our own books.

God bless you Anslem, and God be with you as you begin your licentiate program!

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