Wednesday, April 08, 2015

USC Videos: "Spirit of Vatican II Song"

Winter is past and spring is here, and with the coming of spring, let us celebrate the "New Springtime" we now enjoys thanks to the Second Vatican Council, of which 2015 marks the 50th year of its closing.

In honor of the fruits of the New Springtime, I have composed a little song about the Spirit of Vatican II. I could have spent some more time polishing up the recording and singing, but it was pretty much just something I whipped out and recorded on Audacity quickly while it was in my head. Therefore, I present to you, the "Spirit of Vatican II Song", and original by Unam Sanctam Catholicam.

Reactions may be mixed. Some of you may react with humor and find it hilarious. Others of you may be profoundly saddened, as much of this is no laughing matter. I count it a success if your reaction is a little of both.


  1. I laffed, as it's better than crying.

  2. brilliant Boniface. and a pretty decent voice as well. but listen! Please don't get the idea that you want to be an entertainer. ok! you're too gifted an apologist. btw, whenever I go to your blog almost unconsciously I hope to see your photo. think about it, because as good as the internet is there is also something gnostic built in it seems. people talking to each other but no faces or bodies even though I know there are lots of video blogs. God bless.

  3. This should be played at the LA Religious Congress next year!

  4. vat 11 happened 50 years ago. it's not breaking news. so why saddened? infuriated. yes. that I understand. when I slowly started to make my way back to the church of my childhood 29 years ago I knew nothing about vat 11 and it's devastating aftermath. it's a fault and a gift that I don't do important things in half measure. when I left home at 20 I cut myself off completely from my catholic roots, or so I thought. needless to say I, by many graces, came to accept how stupid and arrogant I was. then in 1990 I discovered First Things, Crisis and NOR at U of T and I devoured them until they went online about 10 years ago. they really formed my understanding of the post vat 11 church even though I would get depressed. but that had more to do with my own personal issues. three years ago I bought a laptop and discovered the internet and it's taken me places where those 3 journals never could. so now I understand other faithful catholics like myself feeling infuriated by what is going on internally in the church that Christ founded. that's one reason why I love churchmilitant/vortex. Michael leaves no stone unturned to expose the internal corruption. but I don't feel saddened by your great song or vat 11 itself. perhaps it's my irish temperament but, yes, I feel much more comfortable with righteous anger.

  5. Tom,

    Don't worry...I have no intention of giving up writing to entertain...although in my previous life I was a musician and played around quite a bit.

  6. Was that an unintentional double entendre Boniface? "I was a musician and PLAYED around." Played a lot of music? Or were you a bad boy on the road as a musician? Did you also sing? You have a good voice.

  7. That was Great! It sounds like the type of music they play at my local "Spirit of Vatican II" Catholic church during communion. Only exception is at the church it would have a bit more "Spirit of V2" friendly lyrics. Something like "all are welcome to the table of plenty" and other Protestant sounding all inclusive things of that sort. You should submit it to be placed in next years edition of the Novas Ordo Hymnal. They'd probably accept it with just some changes to the lyrics and keep same melody. LOL!

  8. Tom,

    No double "played around" I simply mean I was on the local entertainment circuit playing clubs and shows, etc. I did that from the time I was 14 to about 22.

  9. I like it. Very truthful and I was saddened by all the the mess Vat2 has created.

  10. Graduating class of 1922April 9, 2015 at 5:07 PM

    What's wrong with happy seminaries, eh? Typical traditionalist.

  11. I loved it. Your selection of visuals is absolutely perfect as well. I am a recent convert (10 years this past Easter)and have been trying to absorb the story of the Church since V2. I knew absolutely nothing about Catholicism before my conversion, and my RCIA program was two hours per week of America magazine on Red Bull, so it has been a real learning curve. Thanks to blogs like yours, the task has been made somewhat easier.

  12. It was funny how you hit the nail on the head with the lyrics, and beat them at their game with the guitar and melody, but yes I am saddened. I do believe that everything will be righted after a good CHASTISEMENT. Keep proclaiming the truth.

  13. Great posting and great song...even if it does remind us of what 50 years of life without Truth has done to us.

    I look forward to your upcoming MTV New Artist of the Year Award.

  14. Great job with the music and the lyrics.
    This is going to go viral.
    I hope those in power see it.

  15. Smashing.Boniface. True and funny; what's not to like?

  16. Laughed and cried. You are a certifiable genius. ;)
