Thursday, May 31, 2018

Cor Orans: Into the Woods

Earlier this month the instruction Cor Orans was released by the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life. The document makes sweeping changes to the way women's religious communities are governed.

I am not going to attempt a summary of this document, but I want to recommend to you a piece by the Remnant. It is written by Hilary White, but the crux of the article is some commentary by an anonymous Carmelite sister explaining how the new instruction essentially demolishes the contemplative nature of her order. I have heard similar observations from other individuals who know much more about religious constitutions than myself. I recommend you read the article, but more so, if you happen to know any women in contemplative religious orders, get their insights on the document.

There is one thing I want to contribute to this conversation, however: The time is approaching when those who want to live out an authentic religious charism are going to have to do so outside the framework of the institutional Church. No, I am not promoting schism or disunity in any way. I am merely pointing out that, while the Church can exercise some control over religious institutes, it does not have authority over religious life in its entirety. And an authentic religious life might need to be found outside her existing structures.

Some examples of what I mean: The Church can tell you you cannot start a religious order or cannot govern an order in a certain way; however, the Church cannot tell a man he can't retreat to the woods and live alone in prayer and penance. An ecclesiastical stamp of approval is needed for a group to start taking novices or receiving solemn vows; an ecclesiastical stamp of approval is not needed for a group of single women to move in together and live an ordered life of religious discipline. A religious rule must be approved by a pope or bishop; a religious lifestyle needs no such official approval and can be lived anytime in any place on the simple initiative of the individual.

In other words, there is no prohibition on doing the things religious do, so long as it is not formalized. And in the current ecclesiastical climate, such measures might be the best way to live out a religious vocation and renew the Church. Obviously such people cannot  make solemn vows that are recognized ecclesiastically; such groups cannot call themselves "religious orders" or lead the public to think they are. But they can live religious lifestyles in accord with what they feel called to, and that's what is most essential here.

I honestly do not think this is novel. St. Anthony neither had nor needed ecclesiastical approval to move out into the Egyptian desert. St. Benedict did not ask anybody's permission when he retreated to the caves of Subiaco. St. Francis was certainly allowed by his bishop to live in San Damiano and make repairs there, but his initial renunciation of wealth and life of begging was spontaneous. St. Ignatius took to the cave of Manresa to study and pray of his own initiative, not because some bishop told him he could.

Obviously it did not always happen this way; in many cases a new order or a reform was established through official channels. But I want to recall to our minds that this was not universal. Often times what occurred was a man or woman followed a spontaneous prompting of God to live a life of poverty, chastity, and obedience and was subsequently so influential that the Church found an official outlet for their charism.

Yes, the days are coming when a group of women who feel called to serve God in the religious life, rather than join some existing order, will look at ways to fulfill that call outside the official framework - obviously still in full unity with the Church, but in a manner that is more about living a certain lifestyle than in receiving any official status. It looks like such "official" status is becoming less meaningful these days anyway.

Can such self-initiated efforts eventually be brought under the Church's official aegis? Given their good fruits and (hopefully) a change in mentality in the Magisterium or course. But distressing news should not stop men and women from living a vocation now if they feel called to it in whatever way they are able. If you are a single woman and feel called to religious life but you can't realistically find a convent that will be faithful to traditional spirituality, then find three other woman who feel the same, rent a house, study the discipline of the religious life, and start doing it yourselves. Just act. Be the holiness the Church needs. Trust God to attend to the details.

I've always been an advocate of this kind of "into the woods" sort of approach to these things. Our civilization was built in such ways. Christendom only ever existed because men and women walked into the woods in hopes of finding a quiet spot to pray. It will only be rebuilt in a similar fashion.

Walk into the woods. 


  1. This is something I have done since 1994. After 31 years in a religious community which deteriorated to the point, now, of extinction, I obtained an Indult of Departure from Rome, took private vows within the context of a Mass said my home, and wrote my own 'Ruler of Life. It is s Rule of Life based on Francis of Assisi's 'Rule for hermitages. I did this with the help of a canon lawyer and a Franciscan theologian. I have no formalized approval by theChurch, but I live as a religious and have kept my vows all these years. The important thing is to have an authentic religious lifestyle. I have grown much closer to God through this simple God-centered life and I have not had to deal with the changing bureaucratic, heretical nonsense promulgated by a liberal dioceses. Your suggestion is absolutely right on. I had the same thought when I read Hilary white's article and the contemplative nun's comments.

  2. Very interesting line of though. If it really gets as extreme as some people fear it will, I guess that is indeed the closest we will get to religious orders in the future.

    Recently I read a biography of Mother Mary Michael, one of the co-founders of the Holy Spirit Adoration Sisters (Steyl), and I thought to myself that nowadays we as laypeople might be called to make up for the prayers and penances offered in days past by fervent religious (of course according to our own abilities). They would spend day and night adoring our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament and interceding for the Church and the conversion of sinners and unbelievers. So much "prayer power" was lost due to the revolution in the Church--others have to step in to restore the equilibrium.

  3. We are having many of the same thoughts, it seems. I have had many requests for my thoughts on what they should "do", and this is the only obvious course of action.

  4. Actually, Hilary is doing a great disservice to contemplative monasteries by her lies and slander. MUCH of what is in Cor Orans was requested by monasteries themselves and/or has already been in place canonically. Cor Orans was needed. Just because a monastery is traditional and is getting vocations doesn't mean all is well, either.

    Most of contemplative, cloistered life is in Spain and Italy and they are full of old monasteries with a few old nuns. They often live in neglect and can't even take care of themselves but they insist on staying in their monasteries. BIshops and lay people take advantage of them and see $$$ for the property.

    Some accept unsuitable candidates to stay open. In Spain, sadly there were monasteries accepting African women and then when they didn't have vocations sending them out on the street to become prostitutes. Or communities will accept women with mental problems and then when the monastery closes because they have solemn vows other monasteries have to take them in.
    That is one reason for the longer time of formation.
    Often priests who do visitations miss half of what needs to be addresses whereas a nun can come in and within 24 hours see things that should be addressed for the good of the community.

  5. Contemplative consecrated souls represent the HEART of the Mystical Body of Christ, the CHURCH, so to oblige them to leave the strict Papal Enclosure to join federatins, etc. etc. is to move out the Hart of the Mystical Body of Christ the CHURCH, that will of-course bring death to the Church, sad indeed. Why to force the contemplative brides of Christ to turn their backs to Jesus and interrupt their continuous loving attention to Jesus? Remember what Jesus told St. Martha when she was so excited to prepare dishes for Jesus, " Martha, Martha, why are you so worry and fret about so many things? Only one thing is necessary, MARY HAS CHOSEN THE BETTER PART, IT WILL NOT BE TAKEN AWAY from her. Jesus also did confirm that " No one can serve two masters," so why to change the special strict contemplative life of nuns which has existed for so many years already to turn away from focusing as fully as possible on their close union with Jesus? If bees are forced to leave their bee-hive will any honey be found? Impossible, so please ask the Holy Father Pope Francis to allow strict contemplative nuns to continue to live their beautiful vocation as Jesus has called them to live their life hidden with Him in silence and solitude, Amen.

  6. Ah.... the devil is roaming over the world to destroy our Catholic Church , so please please do not let our Church be destroyed but allow its heart which is represented by the strict live of cloistered nuns to move on in peace and security.

  7. The COR ORANS has described so beautifully about the strict cloistered life of contemplative nuns initially which made me smile from ear to ear when I study them. I like them very much but those numbers at the end which oblige these nuns to start active participation in federations, common novitiate etc. etc. and the major superior in the federations have to take care of seven communities etc. how distracting that will be. Failing to follow the COR ORANS here , will be reported to the Holy See etc. these are threatening ways which do not look like from our dear Lord Who is infinitely kind, loving, merciful, understanding and even respect the freedom of His creatures, so ....what to do?

  8. History provides a solution to this problem: in the Catholic Encyclopaedia look up "Beguines" --lay women in the Middle Ages who lived a private form of communal religious life, responsible for their own governance, finances and way of life.
    Local bishops were really threatened by this, because they couldn't control or dictate to these women.

    The good Beguines can show 21st c. contemplatives the way forward.
