Monday, February 04, 2019

Candlemas Liturgy Video

Saturday I attended a Candlemas liturgy in the Extraordinary Form in Ann Arbor, MI. put on by Juventutem Michigan. The celebrant and sponsors of the Mass were kind enough to let me bring my camera and record the procession and Mass. Please enjoy this montage of footage from the Mass, set to some traditional chants for the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

By the way, we also have an Unam Sanctam Catholicam YouTube channel. I don't post on it too frequently, but if you want to subscribe here you go.

Special thanks to Juventutem Michigan for putting making this wonderful Mass possible.


  1. By choosing "Unam Sanctam" as the title of this website, you show yourself to be 100% LOST and on your way to hell. Boniface VIII proclaimed in that filthy document that it was "altogether necessary for salvation that every human creature be subject to the Roman Pontiff". THAT, you fool, is a LIE. It encompasses "another jesus and another gospel" per 2 Cor 11:4.
    So get it straight: Jesus Christ did not break through the curtain of this world to make salvation contingent on bowing our knew to a man wearing a religious costume in Rome Italy! You either trust in the merits of Christ alone or not. Obviously, you choose not to, so all I can do is pity you.

    1. This blog is named after the first three words of the Nicene Creed, you dolt.
