Friday, June 05, 2009

Homosexuality, Slavery and the Holocaust

I recently was asked by a friend to provide a rebuttal to the arguments of a certain homosexual Catholic who said that the Church would eventually change its teaching on homosexuality and apologize for its condemnation of homosexual acts, just like it needs to "apologize" for slavery and the Holocaust. I know it is a silly thing to waste time refuting, but I made some attempt to do so, and if you want to look at my eleven page outline on homosexuality, slavery and the holocaust, you can view it here. It is not an essay, but a structured series of arguments in outline form that were meant to help the person it was written for argue the Catholic position in a clear manner. I thought it might be interesting since I havent been able to post for the past few days. Let me know what you think.


Maggie said...

Very well done. I would only add one thing - in the list of saints whose life and writings have condemned the acts of homosexuality, I would add St. Charles Lwanga and companions.

Terry Nelson said...

Excellent and very useful. I hope to link to your outline.

Anonymous said...

Let's just say that if the Church does "change" its teaching on homosexuality, I'll go schismatic.

Anonymous said...

What about Pope Nicholas V's "Dum Diversas" (1452) in which he approved slavery?

-- Bonifacius