Thursday, June 29, 2023

Anniversarius Sextus Decimus

The Feast of Sts. Peter and Paul has always been a special day for Unam Sanctam Catholicam, being the anniversary of the day I launched the blog in 2007.

Over the years, many of you have reached out to me and expressed gratitude in particular for the articles on subjects like spirituality, maintaining faith, and dealing with disappointment or doubt. I am humbled that the reflections posted here have been a source of edification to many.

It is especially fitting, on this 16th anniversary of Unam Sanctam, therefore, that I take a moment to speak about the first ever compilation of USC essays in book form. Arouca Press (which has been a luminary of traditional Catholic publishing since its launch in 2018) has taken a collection of the spiritual essays published here over the years and compiled them into a book called The Way of Life: Spiritual Essays from Unam Sanctam CatholicamThe Way of Life is a collection of forty short essays on spirituality, faith, and Christian life. Most are taken from articles published here over the years (reworked, expanded, and re-edited), although it does include several never before published essays, as well as a few from my friend and sometimes contributor dom Noah Moerbeek, CPMO.The Way of Life has gotten some high praise from the likes of Fr. Thomas Crean, O.P., Fr. Tom Kocik, Dr. John Joy, and the estimable Dr. Peter Kwasniewski:
“Short, shrewd, and encouraging reflections on our need to seek holiness, and on how to do it.” —Fr. Thomas Crean, O.P.
“Better to light a candle than to curse the darkness (or so it is said), but The Way of Life does both in addressing a wide range of issues of concern to Catholics who take seriously God's universal call to holiness. These essays are clearsighted, discerning, challenging, and steeped in the Catholic spiritual tradition—an act of faith in the transformative power of grace in the individual soul and the abiding presence of the Holy Spirit in the Church.” —Fr. Thomas Kocik
“One of the compelling themes running throughout this collection of essays is the need for ordinary Catholics to practice greater mortifications. This is not so much the conclusion of learned argumentation as it is the practical wisdom gained through reflection on the experience of striving and struggling for real growth in virtue, and it is all the more eloquent for that. If you find yourself easily drawn into fruitless fretting about the state of affairs in the Church or in the world, this book will help you to refocus your attention on the one thing necessary, which is to deny yourself, take up your cross daily, and follow after Jesus Christ on the way of life.” —Dr. John Joy
“I have often benefited from reading these wise and gritty reflections, the fruits of a life marked with hardship, a heart steeped in Catholic tradition, and a mind always looking for light. These essays are especially helpful for Catholics who feel seasick in the storm-tossed boat of today's Church, wondering when the Captain of the bark will rise up to calm the waves. The Way of Life helps us to see that He is still and always in control and we can enter into His rest.” —Dr. Peter Kwasniewski

If you, too, find the spiritual writings here beneficial to you in any way, this book may be for you, as well. You can pick up a copy of The Way of Life from Arouca Press or on Amazon.

As for the future, I have some great content in the works about a variety of subjects: the missionary heart of Pope Pius XI, how the theology of the soul became a matter of controversy in early dissections, liturgical music in pre-Norman Ireland, the 19th century Neo-Gothic architectural revival, and much more. The Unam Sanctam sister site continues to grow; I hope to make it into the largest repository of Catholic historical essays on the Internet one day.

Finally, I'd like to humbly ask you to consider subscribing to the Unam Sanctam YouTube channel. I've been doing a lot more videos this year since I picked up some better podcasting equipment and we've had a lot of great engagement on the channel. The channel is a combination of commentary and video essays, but I'm scrupulously avoiding the trap of putting out content just to throw out content and maintaining the same commitment to calm, reflective work that I (normally) exhibit here. So check it out if you haven't been by in awhile.

Thanks for your continued support of this blog.

Pax et bonum

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