Sunday, April 21, 2024

Seeking Essayists for Latin Mass and the Youth Project

UPDATE: We currently have all the essayists we need. If you wish to submit an essay, you may still do so but it must be completed and submitted by July 10 and there is no guarantee it will be included in the final collection. It will be used as a backup in the event other contributors are unable to complete their essays. 

Blessed Sunday to you friends! I am working on compiling a series of essays from young people on the subject of what the Latin Mass means to them, which will ultimately be published in book form. The goal of this book is to explore the question of why the traditional liturgy is so appealing to the youth.

I am therefore asking for your help to identify young people who would be interested in contributing essays to the project. This post contains all the information about the project for those who might be interested in participating or having their children participate. If you are interested in supporting this endeavor, please read on.

1. Who Can Participate?

Contributors should be:

(a) Between the ages of 12 and 24
(b) Regular or semi-regular attendees of the TLM 
(c) Willing and able to cogently write an essay on the subject of the Mass

Participants certainly do not need to be advanced writers, but they should at least be competent writers.

2. What Should Participants Write On?

The general subject of the essay is "What does the Traditional Latin Mass mean to me?" There are a variety of ways to answer the question. For example, participants may write about:
  • A narrative of how they discovered the TLM.
  • How the TLM has benefited their spiritual lives.
  • How the TLM has helped them enter into liturgical worship more fully.
  • What they learned about the Catholic faith through the TLM.
  • Any personal stories or anecdotes relating to love of the traditional Mass.
  • Anything relating to the place the traditional liturgy plays in their lives
Keep the tone of the essay positive, focused on the beauty, attraction, and transformative power of the traditional liturgy. The narrative should be personal, written in first person voice. 
3. How Long Should the Essays Be?

Essays should be 2+ pages single spaced, or 4+ pages double spaced. A little shorter or a little longer is fine, but in general this is the average desired length.

4. When Should Essays Be Completed By?

I am hoping to have all the essays collected by mid June or beginning of July at the absolute latest.

5. How Should Essays Be Submitted?

Essays should be submitted as Microsoft Word documents, Google Docs, or Open Office,  and emailed to me at Please do not send PDFs or scans of hand-written essays. I need something in an editable format.

6. Should I Forward This to Others? How Many Essays Do You Need?

I am hoping to collect at least 50 essays. Please feel free to share this post with anyone you think may be interested (although please be selective with whom you send this to; do not simply spam it to huge mailing lists—give some thought to specific individuals of interest and send it to them).

7. Will Essays Be Edited?

Essays will be edited for typos and basic grammar, but the specific narrative and voice of each participant will be preserved.

8. Will Participants Be Identified?

Only by first name, age, and general region (U.S. state, province, or country).

9. How Do Participants Sign Up?

Simply send an email to, let me know the name and age of who will be participating (whether yourself or one of your children) and I will put your name on the list. Please do not sign up unless you or your child are able to meet the criteria listed above, including the deadline. Please include first and last name of the participant and their location. This information will not be made public; it's just for me to keep track internally of who is submitting what.

10. When Will the Book Be Published?

Lord willing, by the end of the summer this year.


AMVL said...

Is this open to all nationalities?

Boniface said...

@AMVL, yes, as long as you can express yourself clearly and cogently in English : )

Anonymous said...

To whom should the sign-up e-mail be addressed?

Boniface said...


Just to me, Boniface. I am the only one who checks the email ; )

Anonymous said...

I am 25, I know you said up to 24 - am I allowed to submit something?

Anonymous said...

Would I be able to submit something? I'm 26 but the TLM was the reason for my conversion 4 years ago.

Aaron said...

I am 34. Could I submit something?

Boniface said...


No sorry

Boniface said...


If you can get it in within a few days.

Anonymous said...

Do you still need essays?