Thursday, August 08, 2024

Update on Latin Mass and Youth Book Project

Back in April, I put the word out that I was seeking young essayists for a book project titled The Latin Mass and the Youth. The goal of this book will be to explore, in their own words, why the traditional liturgy is so appealing to the youth. This email is an update on the progress of the project.

I was initially hoping for 50 esssayists to contribute to the project. The Lord went above and beyond in His provision, and we had well over that amount sign up. Participants came forward from all over the world: from the United States to Kenya, from Hungary to the Philippines, and many places in between. We had teenagers, college students, professionals, and married couples submitting their testimonies. It was so heartening to see this generous response from the global Church, people of all tongues and races speaking with one voice of the wonderful works of God (cf. Acts 2:11). I think this book will be an invaluable resource for anyone seeking to make the case for the evangelical appeal of the traditional Roman rite among the youth. I was also blessed to have several folks step forward with offers to volunteer arranging and editing the material as well, for whom I am truly grateful.

I had hoped to have the book in print by the end of summer, but that seems a little ambitious at this point. As one can imagine with so many essayists of such diverse backgrounds, it was challenging getting all the material submitted on schedule and we are a little behind. But we do have a manuscript that will be going to go to typesetting soon. From there it should be smooth sailing, Lord willing.

Thank you everyone for your interest, assistance, and prayers. May Lord bless you and yours.

(On a final note, while I appreciate your interest, please do not message me asking if you can still submit and essay. The submission period is closed and we need to move on with the editorial process)

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