Though I am shocked and amazed by it, the statement that Walter Cardinal Kasper made recently regarding the document on Lumen Gentium seems pretty orthodox! Given his history of idiotic statements with regards to Catholicism and Judaism (like his famous foolish assertion that Jews did not need Jesus because the Old Covenant was enough to save them), I was expecting him to say something equally stupid with regard to the Protestants. However, he took the position of defending the document and firmly held to traditional Church teaching. Perhaps the only thing wrong with his statements is his overuse of the word "dialogue", though he does of good job of pointing out that dialoguing assumes those involved define their positions, which is all that the CDF did with their document. Though Kasper's position on Judaism makes my skin crawl, I have to give praise where praise is due. Good job Cardinal Kasper! Read the his statements here on the Zenit website.
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